Thursday, May 28, 2009
Well I'll be damned.
I just got hired. $550 a week beginning June 22nd and ending August 12th.
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Something that ISN'T four sentences long.
So it feels as if absolutely nothing, and a lot have happened to me at the same time. Nothing life changing, but while part of me is discouraged, I already have 4 or 5 different avenues that I'm exploring for jobs (most of them gig-by-gig sort of jobs. But hey, thats theatre) and I shouldn't be as worried as I am feeling. I've done a lot of sitting at home, going out to interview, audition, or spend time with my family.
It's been like vacation in a way.
My sister is much too generous, I'm almost living here for free. When I finally got some cash I handed her some because I've been eating her food and stuff; hopefully that will ease my conscience, atleast for a while.
Let's see... that master electrician job is looking more and more bleak as a wait for a response from SF Opera. They seemed interested in the get go, but when she(the woman who was hiring) met me and found out my age, she seemed less and less interested in hiring me. Her silence these past few days have been quite loud. But who am I kidding? I'm only 21 years old, I haven't even graduated college, I wasn't even aiming that high. I suppose I should be flattered that my resume speaks so well for my ability to do work like that. Now I just need to get older, right?
The 10,000 Eyeballs Production movie project-thing-that-I-can't-accurately-name, looks promising. I will be working for free, but I really hope I will get the chance to meet people that aren't older friends of my mother or something. That's something else that worries me, I suppose. I'm really hoping for my trip here to be something that will help me grow more into my self... but I don't see myself evolving if I have no where to go or no one to meet. I mean I've met a few people, friends of my sister... a few random conversations here and there. I have to keep telling myself not to rush it. If I force something like this then I'm just going to end up frustrated and get stalked by someone or something.
I may not have to work for my uncle on that houseboat. My mom returned from Belgium the day before yesterday (Duh-da-da-DUUUUUUH) and she might have landed me a job with a sausage place (SWEET) that is next door to a bar.
So, I suppose that's a large enough update that covers all the bases...
Monday, May 25, 2009
Friday, May 22, 2009
10,000 eyeballs audition
What's difficult about that is that it was pure improv, and being put on the spot to come up with good dialogue and shtuff for a monologue sucks, but oh well. It was kind of fun, and the space I auditioned in was really cool.
Thursday, May 21, 2009
San Francisco Opera
The work starts June 22nd and ends Aug 12th. Going to see someone in person to talk more about it in about 2 hours!
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Thanks for contacting us about our casting call this Friday May 22nd, and congrats, because we want you to come audition. Please be considerate and RSVP for the appointment so that we can give the time slot to someone else if you cannot attend. Then, please be on time and ready to rock!
• 2150 Folsom Street between 17th and 18th streets in San Francisco
• Please come prepared with at least 1 monologue of your own choosing
• Please also be prepared to perform a piece that we will provide at the audition
• Also please be prepared to sing an a cappella piece. You can also bring a CD or Ipod of you'd like, for accompaniment, but it's not required."
BAHAHAHAH Craigslists FOR THE WIN. This thing doesn't pay any money but who fucking cares it will be fun.
Bay to Breakers
I'll start off by describing what I have come to understand B2B to be. Essentially it is a humongous, city-wide marathon, roughly 7 miles long that begins at the bay (near the piers and Bay Bridge? My learned aunt will probably provide more accurate details in her response to my post) and ends on ocean beach. It has thousands of participants, THOUSANDS. Like 20,000 people I-kid-you-not. Maybe 5,000 are actually marathon runners.
The rest are outrageously drunk.
I swear to you, this was probably the biggest frat party explosion I've ever seen in my life. EVER. I took pictures on my phone, but i can't get them to my computer so you will just have to deal with my descriptive language. I only saw a portion of this massive party. I walked up and down the panhandle (this probably, by the way, was an explanation as to why so many people were in the park while I was running). Outside of the park, almost EVERY house had its own party going on. Walking up and down the street were throngs of people in costume, man-made party floats with self-sufficient sound systems with their own jungle juice and dancing girls inside or on top and everyone was dancing, yelling and partying their asses off. There were quite a few naked people, pot smoke everywhere, and everyone was drunk. EVERYONE.
But me. That's the sad part, but whatever.
This city cracks me up.
The Panhandle
So looking at the city from the prospective of someone who lives here (strange how strikingly different it is) I am very humbled with the sheer diversity of people here. It's almost terrifying. I'm kind of amused at how at ease I feel at HPU, but when thrown into a new social situation I find myself hiding away at the house.
But I went running today because, honestly, it gets really boring sitting around. Where I live there is a park nearby, well, two parks divided by a highway really. The big one is the Golden Gate Park, which is a huge chunk of greenery (somewhat analogous to Central Park, but larger (atleast length wise. I could easily be wrong about this but the park is huge) with a smaller park that is a block wide and maybe 12? blocks long. It's called the panhandle because of it's narrowness and being tangent to the Golden Gate Park. I ran down the park, then back up and was completely amazed at a few things.
There were A LOT of people out. Just hanging out at the park, drinking beer, playing cornhole (CORNHOLE?! IN SF! hilarious) and walking their dogs or whatever. SHEER MASSES of people. Even more interesting was how they were grouped up into sort of smaller communities. I ran by about 7 little mini-parties of people hanging out in the park shooting the shit on a saturday.
How cool is that?! It's as if being in a city causes most people to gravitate toward nature. I never see much of this where I live due to the fact that nature sort of permeates everything. The people watching opportunity in this city is purely awe inspiring.
I should really get a camera so I can post pictures on this as I continue to blog. Oh well.
San Francisco
From this point forward I will write about what I'm doing in the city of San Francisco.
A few weeks ago, when I had no idea what I wanted to do with three months of free time, I decided, "What the hell!" and made plans to move to SF for the summer. By made plans I basically mean that I found a place to live and a possible job.
I have absolutely no clue what I am doing here.
Perhaps it is a good thing to try and live a little more capriciously. Conversely, coming here for the summer makes a lot of sense, especially when I am making very vague plans of living here after I graduate college... I need to see if I have the cojones to actually make it in this city, as expensive and fringe as everything is around here. I will also be able to scope out the theatre scene. Craigslist is awesome. I've already sent my tech resume (more for shits and giggles than anything) to an opera company that had a job listing for an Electrician. I do have a job, it just doesn't start until a week and a half from now. I will be working for my uncle (he's a contractor) building a house boat in Sausalito. That is the part that sucks. Obviously I couldn't bring my car with me on the plane to CA, so I have to figure a way to get to Sausalito to work (It is across the Golden Gate bridge, maybe 10-15 miles from where I am staying.) I could bike there, it is very feasible, but its down hill to sausalito, and a gnarley ride uphill on the way back to SF. Maybe I will lose some weight.
But what if this is also what I need on a much deeper level? I think I have a personality that hasn't completely found itself out yet. Maybe time in the city (away from HPU, and every one else that I know except some family members) will do me some good. I need to live for myself a little more, be let off of the apron strings (HPU's apron strings. I'm not comfortable with how dependent on the Caf I was for meals. The food sucked there anyway) and meet new people. It will be interesting to see if I will meet new people, and interesting to see what kind of impact they have on me. People here are WEIRD, I promise. People watching in SF is so much more intense than anywhere else I've done it. Hopefully all of this will lead to some personal aging and maturing, kind of like wine.
Speaking of wine, I'M IN FUCKING CALIFORNIA. Kind of excited to try some new wines while I am here. Maybe I can write about that too.