Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Bay to Breakers

I've been trying to think of humorous ways to describe how absolutely absurd and crazy Bay to Breakers was in the city, but I don't think I'm funny enough for that so I will let the events that occurred speak for themselves.

I'll start off by describing what I have come to understand B2B to be. Essentially it is a humongous, city-wide marathon, roughly 7 miles long that begins at the bay (near the piers and Bay Bridge? My learned aunt will probably provide more accurate details in her response to my post) and ends on ocean beach. It has thousands of participants, THOUSANDS. Like 20,000 people I-kid-you-not. Maybe 5,000 are actually marathon runners.

The rest are outrageously drunk.

I swear to you, this was probably the biggest frat party explosion I've ever seen in my life. EVER. I took pictures on my phone, but i can't get them to my computer so you will just have to deal with my descriptive language. I only saw a portion of this massive party. I walked up and down the panhandle (this probably, by the way, was an explanation as to why so many people were in the park while I was running). Outside of the park, almost EVERY house had its own party going on. Walking up and down the street were throngs of people in costume, man-made party floats with self-sufficient sound systems with their own jungle juice and dancing girls inside or on top and everyone was dancing, yelling and partying their asses off. There were quite a few naked people, pot smoke everywhere, and everyone was drunk. EVERYONE.

But me. That's the sad part, but whatever.

This city cracks me up.

1 comment:

  1. Yep It is "The largest footrace in the world" Begins downtown SF near the SF Bay around California Street, too many people down there to see the actual starting point. It is so much fun even unseasoned runners can participate because there is a huge number of people that walk the race. I have done the B2B 3x, onced dressed as a bale of medical marajuana (Mom ran alongside of me dressed as a Caregiver/Cultivator). That was the year the Medical Marajuana initiative was on the ballet in SF. It ends at Ocean Beach and there is a huge party in Speedway Meadows afterwards. A majority of people dress in costumes and a great many run naked (most of those you would prefer to be dressed). So many fascinations in one day. So sad I missed it but happy you were in attendance and appreciated it. Gotta love SF for those insane happenings!
